Super Phosphate Phat Long Thanh Factory is the only factory producing fertilizer Supe Lan in the South. The factory was built and put into production from December 10, 1992. Since then, the factory has gone through 26 years of production and business activities, supplying to the market millions of tons of fertilizer Supe Lan the high quality sulfuric acid (H2SO4) contributes to the development of agriculture and industry in the country, especially the southern provinces. Celebrating the 26th anniversary of the traditional day of Super Phosphate Long Thanh Factory – Southern Fertilizer Joint Stock Company, on December 10, 2018 at Super Phosphate Long Thanh Factory, the factory union and Youth Union cooperated organized the 2018 Employees’ Sports Festival with the participation of nearly 100 employees of the Factory with the content of competitions such as volleyball, tug of war … The 2018 Factory Employee Sports Festival is an opportunity for workers to assign save and build a spirit of solidarity to contribute to promoting the body training movement to improve health to contribute, build factories and companies to develop more and more, and at the same time promote the labor emulation movement. The sprint contributes to the excellent completion of the 2018 production and business plan.
Some pictures at the Sports Festival: